This committee creates opportunities for the Willard community to celebrate and participate in proper care of the environment.
Green4Good efforts include:
Zero-Waste & Composting for Lunch
National Bike and Walk to School Week
Halloween Costume Giveaway
Annual Pumpkin Smash
Annual River Forest Bike Exchange
Green4Good Efforts
Zero-Waste & Composting at Lunch
Willard has trash, recycling and compost containers in the lunch rooms available for students’ use.
Use re-usable food and drink containers and utensils. If you must use single-use, look for recyclable containers.
Double ice-packs (top and bottom) help keep food cold all day.
Work with your student to “right-size” their lunch - overpacking can result in pounds of food waste over the course of the year.
Halloween Costume Giveaway!
The Willard Green4Good committee collects Halloween costumes for our annual “Costume Giveaway” each year. In 2023, we collected 78 costumes; 55 were re-used by Willard families and the remaining were donated to Wonder Works Children’s Museum.
Have old dress-up clothes or costumes that your child has outgrown or no longer loves? Give it away! Bring it to Willard during collection in September.
Need a new costume for your child? We’ll give them away during our annual “Costume Giveaway” event. This year’s giveaway will be held October 4 after school.
District 90 PTO Green4Good Pumpkin Smash
This annual event helps keep pumpkins out of the landfill and moves them into the River Forest composting program.
Nearly 950 pumpkins were collected in 2023 at the event held November 4 (9 am - 12pm).
Tossing a pumpkin into a giant compost bin is just as much fun as you’d think. Bring your family! Bring your neighbors! Definitely bring your pumpkins!
Annual River Forest Community Bike Exchange
Student growing so fast they need a new bike? Toddler graduated from their balance bike and now needs pedals? Is that bike trailer just taking up space in your garage? We’re here to help!
Drop your bike or bike accessory off before the event, or bring it the day of the exchange. Attend the event to pick out your “new-to-you” bike! (If you’ve donated, you’ll get a ticket to use to “purchase” your new bike; no bike to donate? You can make a donation!)
In 2024, this event was held on April 13 from 10 am - 1 pm in the Roosevelt Middle School playground, where 273 bikes were donated and 183 went to new RF homes + 90 donated to Working Bikes; 85 were registered by RFPD. The event raised $1,595 for D90 Green4Good!
Bike and Walk to School Week!
Bike and Walk to School Week encourages students to bike or walk to school.
This effort is great for the environment and our students!
Students are rewarded with fun t-shirt ties they can add to their backpack.
The event is held twice a school year - once in the fall, around National Bike & Roll to School Day (Oct. 7-11, 2024) and once in the spring around Earth Day (April 21-25, 2025)!
Green4Good Tips and Resources
Did you know the Village of River Forest has a curbside composting program?
The program is offered on a voluntary, subscription basis. The subscription price varies based on cart size (3 size options!), and the program auto-renews until cancelled. Residents who sign up will receive a cart, along with an under-sink collection bucket. See the table below for cart sizes and pricing.
Residents who sign-up before the 20th of the month will receive their compost container before the end of the month. Compost collection will begin the following month
Did you know that with your base service of the village refuse program, you can set out an unlimited amount of recyclables each week?
So don’t be afraid to recycle all the things!
Did you know that ComEd customers have opportunities to reduce energy usage with a FREE energy assessment that includes free & discounted products for your home (including, LED light bulbs, smart energy power strips, water saving shower heads & faucet aerators, and programmable thermostats)? This program has been vetted by one of our G4G members and she can vouch for the energy savings. Sign up here to schedule a free assessment or call 855-433-2700.
In addition, take a look at the various rebates you can get for buying energy efficient versions of appliances (even power strips and air purifiers!) you are already buying!
Finally, don’t forget to check out the
opportunities to incorporate solar energy for your home.
Did you know that groups like the Freecycle Network and Trash Nothing, are just some of the many ways to pass along items you no longer need and help keep them out of our overflowing landfills?
Did you know that an estimated 14 billion pounds of trash- most of it plastic- is dumped in the world’s oceans every year? Work from the Algalita Foundation indicates there is six times more plastic than phytoplankton per weight and fifty times more plastic than zooplankton. The best thing we can do to start addressing this problem is reduce our consumption of plastic, especially plastic water bottles, plastic bags and single use plastic containers. Let’s all do our part for our kids’ future!
Did you know recycling 1 ton of paper saves 7,000 gallons of water, 3 cubic yards of landfill space and 4,100 kilowatt-hours of electricity? Consider reusing containers and reducing waste. The average child’s school lunch generates 67 pounds of waste over a year. Let’s pack them waste-free lunches in reusable containers with minimal packaging.
Did you know using cold water can save up to 80% of the energy required to wash clothes? Washing your clothes in cold or warm instead of hot water can save as much as 500 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. The average washing machine uses about 41 gallons of water per load, whereas newer, high-efficiency models use less than 28 gallons of water per load.
Green4Good activities are FREE to all Willard families thanks to PTO fundraising.
Bike Exchange requires donation of bike item or accessory or monetary donation in order to take a bike.
Volunteers are needed to make these events possible. Stay tuned for links to sign up, or contact the committee for more information about ways you can support this event.
Ginny Sara, Co-Chair
Kelly O’Keefe, Co-Chair
Nicole Radziszewski