New Around Here?

Let us help you find the information you’re looking for!

We’ve all been there. Your child is starting a new school and you don’t know where to go to get the information you need to dive into a new community. That’s why we created this page. To give you the quick reference guide and tips on where to find more information and details.

And if you need even more links and helpful information, you can find that on our Helpful Links & Info page.

Still stumped after that? Send us an email!

And finally, welcome to the Willard PTO Community! We’re glad you’re here!

 New Kindergarten Parent Information

  • Each year, District 90 hosts a Kindergarten Information Night for families with students who will be 5 prior to September 1 of the following school year.

    Last year’s information night was held on February 8, 2024. More information about that event can be found here.

  • For the first time, Willard will be hosting a “Launch into Kindergarten” event on April 26th. That afternoon, teachers will host children in the Kindergarten classrooms, where they will enjoy a story, engage in fun activities, meet new peer friends and also meet the teachers.

    Parents will join us in the library for coffee and conversation about all things Willard. This event is a great way to ease nerves, yours and theirs, while also learning about Kindergarten and Willard.

    Your child must be fully registered to attend. Contact Devin Howe, our D90 Registrar, to start the registration process.

    If you register prior to the event on April 26th you will also be entered into a drawing for fun prizes including Spirit Wear, school supplies, and gift certificates to fun family venues and activities.

    Please help spread the word to friends and neighbors who have a little one at home who will be 5-years-old on or before September 1st so they can join the fun too!

  • Information about District 90 Registration, including links and residency boundaries can be found here.

    For Kindergarten, a physical, dental, and eye exam are all required for registration. And if your student needs medications administered during the school day, a medical authorization form is also required.

  • Search Facebook for Willard Kindergarten Class of [XXX] and see if there is a group page you can join, or ask on the Willard Parents Group page to see if anyone can point you in the right direction.

    If you know the student’s name, you can also search the D90 Directory for their parents’ contact information to arrange playdates or gatherings.

    Volunteering is also a great way to meet other parents in a way that fits your schedule. Take a look at our Volunteer page to learn more.

 ALL Grades New Parent Information

  • Information about District 90 Registration, including links and residency boundaries can be found here.

  • This critical website is used for registration, payment and attendance/grades once your child is enrolled.

  • In order to register for events and activities, order Fun Lunch or Yearbooks, etc. for the first time on the PTO's RevTrak store, you will need to know your child's Student ID number.

    The easiest way to find this is to visit the PowerSchool website on your browser (NOT in the App), and login. Your student's ID number should be listed with their name at the top of the screen on the "Grades and Attendance" tab for that student. Once you have that number, you can go back to RevTrak and search for your student. Once you've done this the first time, your student's information should be there for all future orders as long as you remain registered at the school and signed in to RevTrak.

    If you have trouble accessing your child's Student ID or are unable to find it, please contact the District 90 Helpdesk.

    If you have the student ID, but your child still cannot be located in RevTrak, please contact the VP of Technology, Nikki Kidd, at, and provide the student's name and ID number to be added to the RevTrak system. Sometimes late registrations don't make it into the list the PTO receives in early Fall and these students have to be added manually.

  • Holidays, Institute Days, Conferences, etc. are all included on this calendar.

  • PM School Improvement/ PM Teacher Development Days

    • Half-Day Early Dismissal at 11:30 am.

    Last Day of Class before Winter and Summer Break

    • Early dismissal is 2:30 pm

  • All students in K-4 enjoy lunch and recess from 11:25 a.m. to 12:25 p.m.

    • Kindergarten through second grade have lunch first until 11:55, then recess

    • Third and fourth grade have recess first until 11:55, then lunch 

    D90 does not provide a lunch service, so please send your child with a nutritious lunch each day. If you are a fee waiver family or need assistance providing lunch, Fun Lunch or snacks for your child, please contact our School Social Worker, Laurie Dalrymple, to be sure your child has lunch each day. While we understand some children can be selective with their food, a balanced lunch with proteins, vegetables, and fruits provides optimum energy and concentration for learning.

    • Milk (white and chocolate) is also available for purchase when you register your child for school.

    • D90 Schools are peanut and nut free to help keep all students safe - please remember this when packing both lunch and snack.

    • We do not accept lunch delivery from restaurants. We know mornings are busy, so many parents pack lunches the night before. Remember - your student can help!

    • On Fridays the Willard PTO hosts Fun Lunch. Watch for an update from PTO for how you can order Fun Lunch for your Wizards.

    If you have an incoming Kindergartener or 1st grader, please practice having a "school lunch" at home. This will help your child get used to opening their containers and items such as yogurt, lunchables, juice boxes, or even bananas, and prepares them for the school lunch environment. When you practice, set a timer for 25 minutes and enjoy a meal together, with your child eating from their lunchbox.

  • You should be receiving district emails with updates from Stephanie Rath and Dr. Ed Condon, the superintendent. If not, please contact Stephanie Rath to get signed up.

    In addition, you should also expect to receive emails from Willard Principal Gerges. If not, contact Silvia Olivares in the front office. (She is wonderful and can fix most things!)

    Finally, you should subscribe to the Wizard Weekly. It’s a critical email to help you stay informed about all the “goings on” at Willard throughout the year.

  • Search Facebook for Willard Class of [XXX] and see if there is a group page you can join, or ask on the Willard Parents Group page to see if anyone can point you in the right direction.

    If you know the student’s name, you can also search the D90 Directory for their parents’ contact information to arrange playdates or gatherings.

    Volunteering is also a great way to meet new parents in a way that fits your schedule. Take a look at our Volunteer page to learn more.

  • This Willard Back to School guide includes teacher lists, faculty updates, lunch information, and so much more! A great resource.

    Additional links and information for all Willard parents can be found on the Helpful Links & Info page.