Big Hearts, Little Hands
“Flowers of Love” Senior Tea
Big Hearts Little Hands is a wonderful, PTO-sponsored service project/event put on by all the students of Willard school. It is a great opportunity to teach our students about the gift of service, and for them to connect with the older generation of our community. The students are the hosts, and our guests are senior citizens of the community, including senior relatives, friends, and neighbors of students, and also residents of area nursing homes (some homes even sent a bus). Invite your senior neighbors to this event. Read more from the 2023 event in the Wednesday Journal.
We endeavor to have every student involved in some manner with different roles according to grade level — some directly interact with our senior guests, and others work “behind the scenes.”
First and fourth graders provide the choral music.
Pre-kindergarteners and kindergarteners decorate the stage.
Second graders decorate thank you notes for sweet-treat favors, which are put together with donations from local vendors.
Third graders play a prominent role, working in “shifts” as greeters, door holders, servers (assisted by parent volunteers), passing out favors and flowers, and helping our guests at the coat racks.
After the concert, guests are directed to the gymnasium (you wouldn’t recognize it!) where they are seated and served hot tea, coffee, and a spread of delicious baked goods, baked by parent volunteers and donated by area bakeries. At the conclusion of the event, each guest is given a fresh carnation and a favor by one of our third-grade students as they exit the gym.
Note for Parents:
We know parents love to watch their children perform, but for this event we ask you to please stay home so that we have plenty of seats for our community seniors unless you are volunteering (link on this page). The children will perform excerpts of concerts they have already performed for you or will be performing soon.
2023 marked the 35th Anniversary of this treasured event. In 2008, Madonna Weldon, the former Willard parent who founded Big Hearts, Little Hands, passed away one month before the event’s 20th anniversary.
Diane Mahoney was a Willard parent in 1988, and still remembers the PTO meeting where the program idea received a unanimous vote. We will continue to honor Mrs. Weldon’s memory with an engraved silver tea service set displayed at the center of the treats table.
The 2025 Event is scheduled for Friday, May 9, 2025 between 9:00 and 11:00 am.
This event is FREE for senior members of the community to attend thanks to PTO Fundraising
Volunteers are needed to make this event possible. Stay tuned for links to sign up, or contact the committee for more information about ways you can support this event.
Lysette Shafer, Chair
Lindsay Arends
Stephanie Arnold
Liz Heintz
Alex Quinn
Chris Samuel
Samantha Steinkeler