
Mindful Movers

The Willard PTO has worked with a local yoga practitioner to offer yoga for Willard students Mondays after school in the Willard Auditorium.

Mindful Matters teaches kiddos grades K-4 about mindfulness through movement and journaling. Each class, students will learn one of the traditional yoga values (i.e. the yamas and niyamas) through breathwork, yoga, team-building ativities and games. Students will maintain a yoga journal as a take-home reminder of their class experience!

Class will be led by Mindful Matters founder and local yoga teacher/mom Nina Helgeson.


The Spring 2025 Yoga sessions will be held on Monday afternoons between 3:15 - 4:15 pm between April 7 - May 12.


The cost for this program is $80 for 6 classes.

Scholarships are available; please indicate interest here or contact school social worker Laurie Dalrymple for more information.


Instruction and student management is coordinated by Mindful Matters, so volunteer needs are low for this activity.

Contact the committee chair for more information about ways you can support this extracurricular club.