After School Magic

Discover Magic After School!

The Willard PTO is excited to announce a new program for after school this winter - MAGIC!

The PTO is working with 312 Magic to provide a magic-based curriculum that will help kids learn real magic tricks! And the best part is, the magic curriculum reinforces important life skills, like communication and presentation skills, that go beyond the magic tricks. Students will also be able to showcase their new knowledge at a Magic Show for parents on the last class.


Magic Lessons will be held on Tuesdays after school between 3:15 - 4:45 pm January 28 - April 1. (No class February 18 or March 25)


The cost for the program will be $125.

Scholarships are available; please indicate interest here or contact school social worker Laurie Dalrymple for more information.


This program is run and coordinated by 312 Magic, so volunteer needs are low.

Contact the committee chair for more information about ways you can support this extracurricular club.


Chair: Courtney Mooney